Welcome to Seer Electronics

We are experts in development of embedded systems of the highest quality.
Developed, built and tested in Sweden, we provide tailored solutions to power your business and support you throughout your projects.

What we can do for you


We design and provide engineering tools for use in the automotive industry as well as other embedded solutions and test frameworks. ​We do this with a commitment to bringing you exactly what you need and when you need it. ​Our ability to take on customized projects and rapidly produce prototypes offers great flexibility in design.


​Our products are designed and assembled in Linköping, Sweden, and we provide open-source drivers and continuous support. Get in touch with us today to find out what we can provide for you from our finished products or bespoke solutions.


We have supplied several automotive projects, where our products have been praised for their exceptionally high reliability. We take pride in having developed solutions for the following companies:


Products & Services

  • Media Converters

    Our 100BASE-T1 and 1000BASE-T1 media converters offer USB-connectivity and a multitude of additional features.

  • Relay Controllers

    Control and measure the current and voltage of your DUT, with full serial control and protected ports.

Please contact us using the form below if you are looking for a partner for your next embedded project. We will gladly help you with the following:

  • Customization of some of our products

  • Rapid prototyping of PCBs and enclosures

  • Schematic design and testing of PCBs